This is a copy of an article published in
The Peak Advertiser, the Peak District's local free newspaper,
on 27th July 1998,
reproduced by kind permission of the author, the late Desmond Holden.
The “What's in a Name” series was a regular
feature in the Advertiser over the period 1993‑2004,
taking a refreshing look at the derivation of some typically
Derbyshire surnames.
Articles are confined to the origins and meanings of surnames,
and do not indicate any particular interest on Desmond's part in
the genealogy, descent, or family history of individuals bearing
the surnames featured.
Editor's Note: Articles are provided for general interest and
background only. They are not intended to provide an exhaustive treatise
for any individual family history - investigations of which may yield
quite different results. Or, in Desmond's own words:
“In the end it must remain with individual bearers of the names to
draw upon family traditions and to seek out such documentary
evidence as is available to decide the matter for themselves.”
Are you called HOYES?
The second unit of this name ("-es") represents the old English way
of showing possession. the word "of" now prevails but the older
form persists in the use of the apostrophe and especially in
surnames. Hence "the child of John" is "Jones". The question is:-
If "Hoyes" can be construed as "the kid belonging to Hoy" then how
did the original Hoy come by that name?
It would be very convenient to be able immediately to point to a
connection with several places in Scotland of the same name. There
is the Isle of Hoy in the Orkneys which has certainly produced a
localised surname and there is a "Hoy" about 5½ miles south
of Thurso, but it is extremely small and there is nothing, so it
seems, to follow up. Finally there is a place which is now classed
among the "lost villages" of Scotland. The most that can be
determined is that it was near the Border.
It survives in a surname of which the oldest example is John Hoye
of Colmesliehill (1607) followed by Peter Hoy of Newhouses (1653).
As it is, the Scots equivalent for "the son of somebody" would have
been expressed as "MacHoy" and no surname which follows this
pattern can be traced.
Next there is the possibility of it being an occupational name. The
word "hoy" is familiar enough to sea-faring people and describes a
small, single-masted vessel designed to carry passengers and goods
over short distances along the coast. The origin of the word is
obscure but it seems to have been taken from old Dutch expressions
- "hoie" and "hoeyen". It also appears in old French as "hen". It
would have been possible for the master of such a craft to acquire
his surname by reference to his occupation. Hence: John le Hoy
(Wiltshire: 1255); Robert le Hoy (Cambridge: 1327) and Adam del
Hoye (York: 1379). This explanation would have benefited had the
word "hoy" appeared in writings contemporary with this surname: as
it is the earliest reference in a shipping context comes much
later, in 1494.
An alternative explanation is that it could have Irish connections.
In 1066 the Normans not only invaded England but later some of them
crossed over to Ireland and settled there so completely that they
took to assuming Irish surnames. What the exact circumstances were
at the time which would have influenced individual Normans to
select particular names can no longer be accounted for, but one
such name was "Eachaidh". This is far more easily recognised from
its later transliteration into "Haughey". Out of this it is
suggested that "Hoy" and its variations were to evolve.
In passing it may be mentioned that "Eachaidh" is derived from the
Gaelic word "each" which means "a horse" (c.f. Latin "equus") and
that in full it signifies "the accomplished horseman". Attempts to
discern some similarity in sound between "Haughey" and "horsey" are
imaginative but questionable.
Within 200 years of the Conquest many Anglo-Norman settlers had
become so pro-Irish that Edward III (1366) outlawed their adopting
of Irish names and directed that all persons of English origin
should speak only English and resume English-type surnames. It
could very well have been that as a result of this embargo the name
"Hoy" was contrived as being something which approximated to the
sound of "Eachaidh" - this is to say, "Haughey".
Nevertheless this anti-Irish measure didn't altogether succeed
because in 1465 Edward IV followed it up with a Law which
suppressed the use of Irish names even amongst the Irish
themselves. To prevent evasion still further it was stipulated that
every native Irishman in the region of Dublin, Meath, Lough and
Kildare was to be able to show that his new name followed
established English patterns, as, for example, that it described a
recognised occupation. Since "Hoy" was identified with the job of a
ship's master, it might very well have been chosen in order to be
seen to be complying with the new regulations.
A further incursion from the Mainland took place during the reign
of James I (1611). Briefly he sought to relieve the poverty of many
of his poorer Scots subjects by "planting" them in settlements in
Ulster. All that can be said for certain is that one of the
variations of "Hoy" ("Hoey") dates from this event. It was a
permutation on "Hughie" or "Hughey" which prevailed in Scotland at
the time. It is, of course, a fond form of "Hugh" which, contrary
to popular notions, was not exclusively Welsh.
Curiously enough it was not invariably linked with "Mac-" and forms
such as "Howeson" (Houston: 1613) and "Houson" (Rothsay: 1648) are
recorded. So it could equally well have been that "Hoyes" had also
come into use. It is really unfortunate that so many of these Irish
suggestions have to rely on indirect evidence in support but nearly
all the records were destroyed during the stormy days of the Irish
struggle for independence in 1922, Therefore we have to fall back
on inspired guess-work. The name "Hoy" and, no doubt the variations
such as "Hoye", "Hoyes" and "Hoyson" are particularly associated
with Donegal, Armagh and Meath.
As might be expected, the name "Hoy" is quite well-represented in
Northern Ireland. Otherwise, except for the London area where there
are nearly 100 entries in the directory, and 5 under "Hoyes". The
name is fairly evenly distributed across the country. Merseyside
can muster about 50 under "Hoy" but only 2 for "Hoyes". In Tyneside
there is listed some 30 for "Hoy" but only 1 for "Hoyes". There is
a marked increase in "Hoyes" in Leicester as against the references
to "Hoy" - the balance is 14 to 6. The only personality mentioned
in the Standard Biographies is Thomas Hoy (1659-1718). He was both
a medical man and a classical scholar who seemed to move around a
bit! He was born in London, taught in Oxford, practised in Warwick
then in Surrey and ended up in Jamaica.
Here in Bakewell there are four inclusions of "Hoy" in the local
directory and, unusually, five under "Hoyes".
The name is
particularly well-known to us on account of our own Michael Hoyes,
the Editor of the
"Peak Advertiser". Its 16th Anniversary is
now occurring and this feature is offered as an appropriate
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© Desmond Holden
From "The Peak Advertiser", 27th July 1998.