This is a copy of an article published in
The Peak Advertiser, the Peak District's local free newspaper,
on 31st July 2000,
reproduced by kind permission of the author, the late Desmond Holden.
The “What's in a Name” series was a regular
feature in the Advertiser over the period 1993‑2004,
taking a refreshing look at the derivation of some typically
Derbyshire surnames.
Articles are confined to the origins and meanings of surnames,
and do not indicate any particular interest on Desmond's part in
the genealogy, descent, or family history of individuals bearing
the surnames featured.
Editor's Note: Articles are provided for general interest and
background only. They are not intended to provide an exhaustive treatise
for any individual family history - investigations of which may yield
quite different results. Or, in Desmond's own words:
“In the end it must remain with individual bearers of the names to
draw upon family traditions and to seek out such documentary
evidence as is available to decide the matter for themselves.”
Are you called DRAPER?
It is difficult to say what our medieval ancestors meant by "draper". It
would have been useful to discuss the development of the cloth industry
until about the 14th century but space is limited. So, reduced to extremely
simplistic language, the marketing of textiles had become a virtual
monopoly under the control of the handicraft gilds by as early as the 12th
century. From at first involving only the weaving process it had gradually
extended to take in all the successive processes. In fact the meaning of
"draper" as now understood (i.e. one who deals in fabrics) does not appear
until the 16th century. So when we encounter, say "Henry le Draper" in
Lancaster for 1332, he could just as easily have been all or one of a
weaver, dyer, fuller or whatever.
This lack of precision reveals itself remarkably when surnames are
classified under the heading "Occupational". There are about 40 names so
derived and "Smith" easily tops the list, followed closely by "Taylor". Yet
one has to work one's way down to the very end of the list to find
"Draper". This is partly explained in that cloth-making was a widespread
domestic industry, carried out alongside other activities. In particular,
the records of the West Riding indicate that many households, in addition
to working their smallholdings would also produce a piece of cloth every
week and sell it at the "Piece Hall". (There is still a "Piece Hall" in
Halifax). Naturally such people would already have acquired a surname and
that goes also for people who handled textiles on a large scale. They were
in the monopolistic Guild of Drapers. They bore identities such as Henry
Fitz-Alwyn, the first Mayor of London (1212) and the exploitive Earl Thomas
of Lancaster, whose insistence on the payment of the dues relating to the
Guild virtually ruined the cloth-trade of Leicester (1322).
Another puzzle involving the surname is its source. At first it is tempting
to state that it is from the later Latin word "drappus" which is said to
mean "cloth". In fact that name would have been unknown, say, to Caesar,
who would have spoken of "textum" (woven material) or "pannus" (a piece of
cloth). The form "drappus" was a "back-translation" used by medieval
scribes when writing in Latin about contemporary matters involving cloth
and were obliged to concoct the word "drappus", based on words they already
knew such as "drape" and "draper".
Then, we have to ask ourselves: How did these words originate? It might be
thought they could tie in with the expression "trappings" which describes
garments and, especially, the garniture of a horse. As it is,
linguistically it is identical with "drape" and its variations and leads
nowhere. It is true there is an Italian word "drappo" which signifies
"cloth" but this also has evolved from a piece of contrived Latin. It
appears only in English as "drapet" which is from the Italian "drappetto"
which means a "small piece of cloth" and is found no earlier than 1590.
Of all the explanations which have been advanced only one carries much
credibility. It is suggested that it is linked with the words "drubb" or
"drubbing" which mean "to inflict blows" or "belabour". This usage might
then be taken back to the Arabic "darb" which signifies "a thump" or a
"clout". This in turn emerges in the German "treffen" which meant "to hit".
Now in the manufacturing of cloth, the raw, untreated fabric, taken
directly from the loom was held "not comely to wear till it be fulled under
Foote or in Stockes". It is acknowledged that "fulling" was the first and
most important process in cloth-making, and involved beating and trampling
the material to make it fit to wear as a garment or to be introduced to
further processes such as drying. It is interesting to note that "drab"
was a word which originated from the dull appearance of untreated cloth.
Therefore it would seem that a case can be argued to maintain that "drap"
particularly attached itself to fabric which had, as you might wish to put
it, been "knocked into shape".
Some support for this notion is derived from the fact that coarse,
untreated cloth was separately classified as "burel". It was of such poor
quality that it was deemed fit only for soldiers' uniforms or handouts to
the poor. Some idea of its quality can be gained from the knowledge that
it sold for 2p a yard as against 10p for even the cheapest "finished
cloth". In the household accounts for Henry III (1265) reference is made to
an official designated as "le Bureler". As cloth-making improved, the name
died out and, conversely, that of "Draper" gained some hold. Nevertheless
early references are scanty and somewhat ambiguous. In Winton (Hampshire)
mention is made to "Hugo drapier" and "Walter draper" both 1148. In
Lancaster (1181) was found "Robert le Draper". All these could be merely a
reference to the bearers' occupation, rather than their surname. The
earliest uncontested usage seems to date from 1379 and refers to a man in
York called "Johannes Drapour".
Otherwise the surname seems to have established itself in England only. It
does not feature as a native Scots name nor in Ireland. It is rather
significant that it has provided no place-names. (Draperstown in
Londonderry is a late creation: 1818. Draper's Field, a neighbourhood name
in Coventry is of similar origin).
The local directory lists about 100 names. Only two personalities have
entered the public consciousness and both are American! First there is
Henry Draper (1837-1882) a celebrated astronomer who gave his name to the
"Draper Catalogue" - a compendium of the intensity and positions of the
stars which he began and which is still being added to. Second there is
Ruth Draper who specialised in a type of solo performance which is still
called "drapering" in theatrical circles. Older readers will recall the
late Miss Joyce Grenfell who was unrivalled in this genre.
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© Desmond Holden
From "The Peak Advertiser", 31st July 2000.