This is a copy of an article published in
The Peak Advertiser, the Peak District's local free newspaper,
on 1st June 1998,
reproduced by kind permission of the author, the late Desmond Holden.
The “What's in a Name” series was a regular
feature in the Advertiser over the period 1993‑2004,
taking a refreshing look at the derivation of some typically
Derbyshire surnames.
Articles are confined to the origins and meanings of surnames,
and do not indicate any particular interest on Desmond's part in
the genealogy, descent, or family history of individuals bearing
the surnames featured.
Editor's Note: Articles are provided for general interest and
background only. They are not intended to provide an exhaustive treatise
for any individual family history - investigations of which may yield
quite different results. Or, in Desmond's own words:
“In the end it must remain with individual bearers of the names to
draw upon family traditions and to seek out such documentary
evidence as is available to decide the matter for themselves.”
Are you called BROWN?
The word "brown" is much the same in most European languages and
all are variations on the Middle Age Latin "brunus". It was so much
the colour of the bear that "Bruin" became its familiar name -
along, for example, with "Neddy" (donkey) and "Polly" (parrot). A
Medieval animal saga regularly featured "Bruin" as a sort of half-
witted bear and older readers of the
"Peak Advertiser" will
remember "Mrs Bruin" and her school attended by "Tiger Tim".
The ultimate source of "brown" lies in a language spoken in
Northern India several thousand years ago, which has been
reconstructed in the form "babrhu". As well as "brown" it not only
generated "beaver" on account of that creature's characteristic
colour but also the term "burnish". The links in that case are
really too involved to explain within the limits of this little
feature, but its older meaning, "to shine" survives in the surname
"Brownsword" - i.e. "he who wields a shining blade" and of which
some examples occur in the local directories.
As applied in terms of the spectrum, "brown" can range from the
palest shades of weak tea to the density of strong coffee! But in
Early English it was confined to conveying a notion of darkness
rather than a positive colour. In 1400 a man referred to a lady's
eyes as being "more browne than ye violettes," meaning that they
were even darker than the flower. By, extension "brown" was used to
describe a moody person and this still survives in the expression
"a brown study". Hence a book on games and recreations written in
1532 states that "Lacke of companie will soon lead a man into a
browne studie."
It has become a surname on account of having been so extensively
adopted as a nick-name. In the frequency charts listing all forms
of nick-names, "Brown" stands first. Simply to say, however, that
"Brown" is derived from a term referring to a person's colour is
not enough. We must ask the question: "Colour of what?" Since it
has already been shown that "brown" could describe a man's
disposition, then this rather facile explanation falls short! So in
some cases families called "Brown" family could owe their name to
an ancestor who bore a melancholy character - perhaps
something akin to "Misery-Guts" in modern parlance!
Otherwise "brown" could have been applicable either to hair or to
complexion, and, possibly a choice of colour for a garment. Sadly
it is very unlikely that more than a few members of any "Brown"
family could say for certain which of these items afore-mentioned
could have led to their ancestor being so-called.
The problem is not made any the more simple for them in that our
Mediaeval ancestors lived more open-air lives and closer to nature
than we do today. So a tanned, weather-beaten complexion would not
have been so very unusual. Hence it must follow that for a man to
have been nick-named "Brown" he must have been exceptionally
In referring to the colour of hair it would seem to imply that
perhaps in comparatively close communities where there was a
general genetic trend to fair hair - no doubt because of
Anglo-Saxon settlement - dark hair was decidedly unusual and a
member with deep brown hair would have been very distinctive.
Furthermore, just as today people with red hair are supposed to be
quick-tempered and exceptionally blonde girls are deemed to be
curiously empty-headed, so also in the Middle Ages men with dark
hair enjoyed a reputation for craftiness.
This might have been one reason why a member of a community could,
have been termed "Brown" by his neighbours who attributed to him a
devious and deceitful character. It seems, also, that there was a
tradition that Judas Iscariot had dark hair - see Shakespeare's "As
You Like It" Act III Scene 4, for an interesting application of
this notion.
Finally it might have been conferred upon a member of a community
who went around in distinctive brown garments - very likely a
woman. Note how in France servant-girls, who invariably wore
characteristic gowns of coarse grey cloth were designated "la
grisette" and also how our Junior Girl Guides are called "the
A remarkable feature of the word "brown" is that on the continent
it developed into a first name ("Bruno") whereas in these islands
it was rarely adopted. However the name "Brun" was known and had
some popularity both before and after the Conquest (1066) but seems
to have fallen out of use by 1300. Its popularity among the
Continentals, especially the Germanic people, is owing to the
esteem enjoyed - by Bruno, Archbishop of Cologne (956-65) and St.
Bruno (1030-1131) who founded the Carthusian Order. (Commemorated
16th October).
The name "Bruno" appealed to the Normans and they imported it after
the Conquest (1066) so that it ran alongside the native "Brun". All
forms are to be found in the Domesday survey (1086) but where they
have been translated into the Mediaeval Latin "Brunus" it is not
easy to determine which was the original name. So it follows that
the surname "Brown" could have been derived directly from a
nickname or from the personal name, which had itself evolved from
the same source.
The earliest records spell the surname "Brun" or "Bron" but in 1296
we find an "Agnes Broun" in Sussex (was she locally known as "ye
browne ladye"?) Later in Cambridge there is to be found "John le
Browne" (1318).
By far the most common spelling today is "Brown" and in this form
it is spread across 10 columns in the local directory. It is, of
course, one of the most widely distributed surnames in the English-
speaking world.
In the register for London there are over 5000 entries. The
alternative "Browne" is less used but the variation is not
significant. There are about 20 "Brownes" in the local directories.
There are innumerable permutations on the name, but they are easily
recognisable. The forms signifying "son of Brown" include
"Browning" and "Bronson". Those which mean "the little one
belonging to Brown" include, "Burnett" and "Brunet."
The Standard Biographical Dictionaries make mention of over 80
notabilities called "Brown" and it is really difficult and
invidious to make any attempt at selection. Still, we have a local
celebrity by way of that loveable school-boy, "William Brown" who
was created by a lady who taught at St. Elphin's School at Darley
[The 'Just William' Books, by Richmal Crompton - Ed]
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© Desmond Holden
From "The Peak Advertiser", 1st June 1998.